Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Life's what you make it
1. If you walk around feeling bad for yourself over one little problem, then your day might stink.
don't walk around like that
2. If you smile you might just cause someone else to smile.
3.STOP COMPLAINING...there is nothing that you can possibly go through that somebody hasn't already gone through. Just take the time to calmly talk to someone, you don't need to keep complaining. Complaining wont make anything better , chances are, if you're complaining all the time over one little thing, then you are just trying to seek attention from others, and make them feel bad for you, so that all that attention you want they will give you, and then you will feel better for yourself. I got news for can get attention from people by simply talking to them in a calm, and appropriate manner. Its called good attention. Its also called not feeding for attention.
4. A lot of you people, including me. got to focus on making circumstance days into rainbow days. in other words how can you turn an Ouchy day into a happy, sparkly rainbow day.
5. we're all going to sin and make mistakes, nobody is perfect. (keep in mind, that doesn't mean that you are to sin on purpose.)
6.Most of us think we know, more than we do. Let me just tell you this, just because you heard something doesn't mean you know it.
7. If you are someone who is a scatter brain all the time, and cant control your thought, mouth, or emotions. Then the main thing you should do is stop what you're doing and take a nap or something. Because you are not getting enough sleep--most likely
8.If you're going through a rough time, and people are being mea to you keep in mind they can be acting out of their pain. you can do absolutely nothing wrong, and you get yelled at, keep in mind, the person hurting you or yelling at you might also be going through a tough time and acting out of their pain.
9.People say crying doesn't help anything, it doesn't stop anything or make anything better, but you know what I say... I say sometimes all someone needs is a good cry, sometimes all you need to do is have some alone time have a good cry, then before you know it, you are perfectly fine
10. Its perfectly normal to not be normal

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